Shredder Sam is the rebel in the pack of OTC Team Riders, he sails his own course and this year his love of the wind and waves was rewarded with the BWA 2022 Amateur Title! A free spirit, always pushing himself out of his comfort zone Sam is never afraid to try new tricks and is grateful for the position he finds himself in, always learning, always willing to help others, always making it fun, always sharing the stoke!
By Emma Nicholson.

I started off asking Sam, what has been the stand out highlight for him this year? Was it winning the BWA 2022 Amateur Title? he said: "Yes I think it has to be, it really wasn't on my radar so I'm really happy to have achieved this!"
"There will always be someone else out there in a worse situation than me."
How does he get himself ready for competitions? Sam said: "Ha ha this makes me laugh because to be honest, you won't catch me in the gym, I just try to go on the water as much as possible and always enjoy my time on the water so trying to learn new moves every time I go out and doing different watersports, keeping it fun."

When you started windsurfing, did you ever think you would achieve what you have? Sam said: "I don't think so, I remember coming off the water from my first ever session and saying I hated it and would never do it again, once I gave it another go a few years later I was fully hooked and now I cannot live without it."
Where is your favourite place to windsurf? Sam said: "I have a few spots around home that I love sailing, Kimmeridge is one, and I love making the trip to Cornwall to sail Gwithian, but there are some spots in Europe that are climbing up the list!"

What motivates you? Sam said: "I get motivated by watching windsurfing movies and seeing people doing cool things and wanting to do it myself, also having people around me having positive attitudes to be on the water and try new things."
What Inspires you? Sam said: "Actually many of my good friends inspire me, but I don't really want to put any names out there, because there are so many people that inspire me and I don't want to miss people out."
"I just want everyone to have fun and enjoy the best sport in the world!"
What do you do to unwind? Sam said: "Any activity that involves the water."
What advice would you give to young people who have big dreams like you to become part of the top UK Windsurfing scene? Sam said: "I think you just really have to enjoy your time on the water, ultimately if you are having fun and enjoying yourself you will naturally start progressing and get better at what you do, sail with lots of other different people and keep asking questions, I have and still do learn so much just from interacting and asking for advice from people I look up-to and I'm sure they would be really happy to be able to share their knowledge and pass it on to an up coming grom, I know I would."

When you hit a bump in the road, how do you find the strength to carry on and face the next challenge? Sam said: "I just think about all the good times I have had, and I always tell myself, there will always be someone else out there in a worse situation than me, so be grateful for what I have."
"As soon as I hit the water I forget about it all enjoy myself and then I can start again."
What goes through your mind as you approach the starting line of a competition? Sam said: "Well now its a start of a wave heat for me, so the thoughts are normally, I really hope I land this trick."
How do you balance the pressures of being a Team Rider for The OTC and work? Sam said: "Tris has always been amazing at not putting pressure on me as a Team Rider so I'm very thankful for that, but I always want to do whatever I can to do him proud and for work me and my boss normally balance the pressures of work by going out on the water. BINGO!"

How do you feel about being a role model? Sam said: "Well, I hope I'm a role model to someone out there and if I am I just want everyone to have fun and enjoy the best sport in the world!"
"I remember coming off the water from my first ever session and saying I hated it and would never do it again."
What are the benefits to mental health of being on the water? Sam said: "For me its so important, my family always know when I haven't been on the water for a few weeks because I'm not the same person. It is always such a huge relief, no matter what I'm going through, as soon as I hit the water I forget about it all enjoy myself and then I can refresh and start again."

You are really passionate about supporting young people entering the sport, it must feel really good to use your achievements to better the lives of those young people? Sam said: "Yes I always just think back to when I started and the support I was getting from my peers, and now I want to fill that roll share the STOKE and help people learn and enjoy the sport."
"I have and still do learn so much just from interacting and asking for advice from people."
And finally! What does 2023 hold for you? Sam said: "We will have to wait and see, hopefully plenty more wind waves, and good times on the water with my mates!"